Spirit of Madonna Awards
In 2024, we are proud to introduce the Spirit of Madonna Awards, which aim to honor individual support of the Madonna Alumnae Association under the Madonna Foundation. This year, we will be presenting three awards at our Madonna Foundation Annual Luncheon.
The recipient of each award exemplifies the ideals of a Madonnian through outstanding service, devotion, generosity and support to the ongoing legacy of Madonna High School through the Madonna Foundation Scholars. This year’s winners include:
Foundress Award - Franciscan Sisters of Chicago
Dedication Award - Terri Sikorski Roeslmeier - Class of 74
Stewardship Award - Rosa DeLuna Frede - Class of 91
Celebrating the Legacy of Madonna High School
The legacy of Madonna High School in Chicago, Illinois, lives on through YOU – our Madonna High School alumnae. This legacy is witnessed through the amazing things that each of you are doing with your lives. Through the strong faith that each of you hold, the respect and care that each of you have for the world around you and the bonds of sisterhood that were formed at Madonna High School. This legacy will last a lifetime.
Our mission and purpose as an alumnae association is to provide social, educational, spiritual and cultural experiences for our members to connect and encourage member involvement in the ministry of Catholic secondary education for young women through our legacy, the Madonna Foundation.
Get Involved
It is our hope and prayer that each and every student in the 50+ years of the school’s existence remains connected to the cherished Madonna legacy. Through the Madonna High School Alumnae Association (MHSAA), you can remain connected to classmates, teachers and peers and continue the Spirit of Madonna.
In the words of the late Sister Carol Marie Schommer, “This is our legacy. We collectively stand united in our school motto: For Sanctity and Wisdom. We are Madonna.”
Sharing Memories & Purpose
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Update My Contact Information?
It’s important for us to have your most up-to-date information so that we can keep you informed of Madonna High School Alumnae Association events and programs. Click here to update your contact information.
Why Did the MHSAA become Affiliated with the Madonna Foundation?
The Madonna High School Alumnae Association became associated with the Madonna Foundation in the Spring of 2021. Under the Madonna Foundation, the MHSAA provides expanded resources that facilitate the efforts of the Madonna Foundation and continue the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago’s mission of education and faith.
How Does a Student Apply for a Scholarship through the Madonna Foundation?
The Madonna Foundation annually awards scholarships to deserving young women in the Chicago area who demonstrate financial need and the potential for academic achievement. Those interested in applying for a scholarship through the Madonna Foundation should visit MadonnaScholars.org to verify enrollment, eligibility and review the scholarship expectations.
Contact Us
We are Madonna! If you have any questions or want to connect with the MHSAA team, we invite you to contact us.